Friday 26 March 2010

...the shit you forget...

...Yeah, so the writing is going good... we were due to test run a new tune at the WSL show, but we were unable to do the show after a personal tragedy for one of us... still, me, Luke and Jimothy managed to get over and give a show of solidarity and respect for WSL and the other bands that played, and then, after, I managed to throw an almighty whitey, which found me sat on the potty in the toilets of our local, pants round mi ankles, white as a sheet, cold turkeying like a bastard...


...I think it's fair to say that it took a while for us to get in the groove, but the last couple of practices have been pretty amazing... rejigged one of the songs we've been playing live and written a fifth tune, which is in the process of being nailed and locked in... working titles: 'Kill Your Boss' and 'Say What you Mean and Mean What You Say'... light-hearted stuff, like...

But, while it is nice to have taken the time to write, I fear it may have lulled us into a nest of complacency... see; we went a bit bonkers and booked a shit load of gigs, which is cool, but I'm not entirely certain we thought through how the hell we are going to pay for getting to them!!! Hence the title of this blog... I, for one, kinda forgot, or at least chose not to remember, the utter fiasco that gigs can be and I definitely chose to neglect to recall the cost of doing shows where you have to travel further than the other side of town...

We've got some hikes to do... nothing ridiculous, but enough to make me look at what we've got lined up and realise that what little money I have will be going on van hire costs and fuel... on top of that, we are having the awesome MATT GRUNDY ( and guitarist) doing our Myspace page soon(, and we will need to get another batch of our ludakrisly under priced demo burned off...

My point being, that should there be any angels out there who have a load/a bit of spare cash (a loose fiver would not be turned down) and have a philanthropic itch they need to scratch... well, stuff that filth into an envelope marked 'Save the Megafauna' and send it to us! (NB do not send it to Jimothy though... as a band we have decided that we will have nothing to do with his fundraising attempts for the sex-change op he's always wanted...)

Either way, we hope to see you down at one of the shows... we're gonna enjoy 'em so you may as well do the same!



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