Tuesday, 8 June 2010

For the record...


So in between trying to get people to review our first demo and trying to get a gig in ANY big northern city, other than Sheffield, we have been actually busy actually writing actual music...

We’ve got 3 new tracks to record, 2 and a half of which will be somewhat familiar to anyone who has been to a show... all in all I think we’re looking at around 15 minutes of choonij (that’s tuneage), maybe a wee bit shorter than the first recording...

The three tracks break down as follows:

Kill Your Boss: a bit of a mid-paced, workhorse of a tune with some nice little bits of ‘riff-recycling’, picking up themes left and right... dunno if it’s a tune for the pit, like, but meaty nonetheless!

Say What You Mean and Mean What You Say: plenty of speed here and a possible new opener to replace ‘Generalist’ which we’ve been starting with... not a blast beat in sight mind you, this is just a pounder... and it’s fun watching Luke die every time he plays it!!!

Rumsfeld’s Unspoke Fourth Epistemological Insight: Gobful for a title I admit, but this might change... (if you’re wondering find out about Slavoj Zizek and his take on Donald Rumsfeld analysis Iraq’s WMD’s... or lack of them...)... bit of a weird tune in that there are a few odd little twists and turns, and a mid-section that will break your back through mosh... feels good!

So... Wednesday night we are heading off down to Hiram HQ and we’ll strap Luke into his kit and tell him to be amazing or else...

..or else Eckers gets to handle his junk...

We’re hoping we get the recording right this time... last time we kinda just went for it without planning it and not really having any sense of how it’d all turn out... and if I’m honest, the first demo worked out much better than I thought it would... ropey as it is!

So we reckon this time will be loads better... Me; I reckon I’ve gotta pull something pretty special outta the bag because out of the few reviews we’ve got so far, ALL of them have said that I am a bit shit... some may have put it a little more kindly... others called me out by name and said I should get lessons... so yeah; better get practicing!!!

Let’s wait and see!


1 comment:

  1. Hi guys, just to let you know a new review of your Demos are now up on http://ampedreviews.net
